Transistors type: | IGBT |
Rated voltage, V | 220 |
Frequency, Hz | 50 |
Phases | 1 |
Rated power consumption, kVA | 5,1 |
Rated current, A | 27 |
Welding current range, A | 20-200 |
Rated output voltage, | 25,8 |
Welding electrode diameter, mm | 1,6 - 4,0 |
No-load voltage, V | 72 |
No-load voltage with active VRD function, V | 12 |
Circuit voltage fuse, A | 16 |
Duty cycle,% | |
- at 20 ° C | 100 |
- at 40 ° C | 60 |
Efficiency,% | 85 |
Cooling | forced air |
Protection class: | IP21S |
Thermal protection function is activated if the temperature inside the unit exceeds the permissible limits.
Hot Start function is designed for better ignition of the electrode in a short period of time.
ARC Force function automatically forces the welding current in case when the voltage drops below the minimum which is necessary for stable welding .
Automatic no-load voltage reduction function (VRD-voltage reduction device) is the ability of the welder to lower the voltage during downtime.
Anti Stick function helps to reduce the welding current in 0.6 ... 0.8 seconds in case if the electrode is stuck.